Sunday, December 14, 2008

__The Letter From A Mad Women__

To my dear spirits,

I need you to help me I'm in a situation the cant take it anymore. I don't know to do. I'm terrified on everything that's going on right now in my life. I can't go to bed and rest with the things that have happened. They are here in my conscious and in Macbeth's too. I have been sleepwalking. Macbeth has done thing just for him the get the crown and all this had happend thanks to those wicthes why did they have to come to our lifr ? why? Now Macbeth has done this i did not expected him to do. I mean we know he has killed people but kill Duncan the person who will tell Macbeth to kill people no... But the bad part is that Ialso told him to do it. Its like I told him it was alright I never thought this would had happend. Now Duncan spirts are in this house and is trying to do things so Macbeth is going crazy. What should I do? Should I leave Macbeth and start a new life with out him? I mean I dont really feel the same for him no more. If I go nobody will blame me for anything that's going on. I really need your help spirits if not thing will get worst.

Help me !!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

MoRe n morE gOal's to ACoMplISHeD

So the goal's I have accomplished are bowling I went again I thought it was pretty fun , but this time not with friends!

I went with my little sister Evelyn and my bf Jose and his sister Jocelyn!

This time it was a little weird because we have to give one of our shoes to the guy who lets you borrow the shoes for bowling because people take the bowling shoes I mean who would want to take them ugly shoes their ugly ! ^_^ Don't you think?

I was happy because this time i got a higher score then last time even though Jocelyn had the highest score out of all of us She got 58 and then is was Jose with 56 and then me with 46 and at last my sister she only score 18 in the last game because she couldn't hit non of them.

While we were playing we would distract who ever was about to play so they would hit any of the bowling balls!

But the one who would really concentrate would be Jocelyn . my sister she would get nervous really fast.

At then end Jocelyn won and well everyone had a good time.

I can't wait till next month to see what other goal's i have a accomplished!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

QuEeN EliZaBeTh l

Elizabeth l

Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was queen of England and queen of Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. Sometimes called The Virgin Queen, Gloriana, or Good Queen Bess, Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor Dynasty . The daughter of Henry VIII, she was born a princess. One of her first moves as queen was to support the establishment of an English Protestant church, of which she became the Supreme Governor . This Elizabeth religious settlement held firm throughout her reign and later evolved into today's church of England

Elizabeth succeeded to the throne when Mary died at St. Jame's Palace on 17 November.Elizabeth became queen at the age of 25.

The Queen's health remained fair until the autumn of 1602, when a series of deaths among her friends plunged her into a severe depression.She died on 24 March 1603 at Richmond Palace between two and three in the morning.

In February 1603, the death of her cousin and close friend, Catherine Carey Countess of Nottingglam came as a particular blow. In March, Elizabeth fell sick and remained in a "settled and unremovable melanchy.

her biggest accomplishment was that she survived becoming queen.As Princess Elizabeth

she survived a scandal concerning herself and Thomas Seymour, the husband of her stepmother Katharine Parr

she endured at the Tower of London when she was imprisoned there by her half-sister Mary Tudor ( aka Mary I & Bloody Mary). She was accused of being involved with the Protestant rebellion, led by Sir Thomas Wyatt the Younger

She achieved an excellent reputation as a good and wise ruler, who was truly loved by her people - she was highly accomplished in the art of rhetoric and Public Relations

Queen Elizabeth I lead England as a woman, in what was very much a man's World, and she did this with courage, intelligence and loyalty to her friends.

Queen Elizabeth Catholic challenges and plots persisted through much of Elizabeth's reign. The focus of most of these was Elizabeth's cousin, Mary, Queen of Scots, a Catholic with a strong claim to the English throne, who sought exile in England in 1568. Elizabeth imprisoned her and she remained a prisoner for twenty years until Elizabeth was persuaded to agree to her execution in 1587.

The persecution of continental Protestants forced Elizabeth into war, a situation which she desperately tried to avoid. She sent an army to aid French Huguenots after a 1572 massacre wherein over three thousand Huguenots lost their lives. She sent further assistance to Protestant factions on the continent and in Scotland following the emergence of radical Catholic groups and assisted Belgium in their bid to gain independence from Spain.

Queen Elizabeth's life was trouble from the moment she was born. She went through alot in order for her to become a queen.

The reason i picked Queen Elizabeth l I thought it was pretty interesting all the challenges she when through and how she became queen. Specially her challenges.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Follower and the strongest of the geats-grater

and the stronger than anyone anywhere in this world

with their weapons, leading the others quickly

I drove five greats giants into chains, chased

Out from the ocean, and killing them one by one

Out from the marsh, from the foot of misty

Hills and bogs, bearing god's hatred, Grendel came,

Hoping to kill anyone he could trap on this to high Herot

Human eyes were watching his evil steps Grendel's

One thought was turn from Beowulf, flee back to his marsh and hide there

The world of warriors in Beowulf is based on loyalty and bravery

Beowulf honoured and respected those who ruled his kingdom

Agreat warrior ready for war

with the battle- shields for war

and if death does take me send the hammered


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

mY suPeR gOalS I haVe ReaCHEd

The goals i have accomplished so far have been going bowling. It was pretty fun because it was like my first time and i got to learn. I went on September the 27th with my bf ( Jose ) and my friend Marlene and her bf ( Anthony) and my little sister it was pretty fun . We first went and in one it was like pack and then we went to another one, and lucky it was not alot of people like in the other one.We got there the boyfriends pay for everything we got our shoes and socks because me and Marlene were wearing flats! But me and Marlene were like we don't know how to play so we decided to watch them first, then it was our turn we both miss at the first shot. Its was a nice experienced and i would like to go again.

My Second goal I have accomplish would be hanging out more with my friends me and my friends have gone out more like bowling for example, gone and eat.Which have been fun because like us girls talk a lot we gossip and have fun.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Q: Choose five intresting thing you found out about anglo-saxon times

The five things I found intresting are:

  • Their believes

  • How they celebrated

  • Jewelery

  • Values

  • Weapons

The early anglo-saxons were pegans and belived in amny gods. when people died the would eighter creamated and put on a pottery, burn orburied with their belongins. it was believed that the dead would need their belongings in their next life. Also they would use letters called runes the believed runes had magical powers.

Feast were held in the loards hall during the winter months everyone who was loyal to the loard would gather around the fire for feasts. At the feast people would eat roast moneybread, a drink made from honey. Feast would sometimes end in fights.

Womans jelewery were necklace with a cross,helm,tunic,sword,pins, brouches,beads and glass vessel.

Values were loyalty boasting,revenge. they had fate on side to make the most courage of the time. The epic emphasizes values that were very important to nurse,warriors loyalty to one's king and comrades and honor for those who fought and die bravely.

Weapons were helmet ,spear, swords, seaxe, shield, axe, bow &sling ,armour, oak wood.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


My favorite part on the story of Beowulf is this ,

So the living sorrow of healfdane;s son simmered, bitter and fresh and no wisdom or stength could break it: that agony hung on king and people alike, harsh and unending violent and cruel , and evil.

The maind idea is that Hrothgar is depressed

  • Sarrow bitter

  • Wisdom or stregthcant break sorrow

  • Harsh agony

Friday, September 5, 2008

homework 09/05

Tell us something you have done that has no one in this class has done?

Something i've done that no one in this class has done would be go to Los Angeles for two days with my cousin. To get her dress for her quinceanera then the other day we went to Disney Land.

Provide three adjectives that describe you


Bashful; retiring

amiable; kind

Give us a breif history on your name?

The history on mu name was this, my mom wanted or was thinkgi in many different names like Ashely, Miley, Evelyn which now Evelyn is my sister name. But then in that time Jessica was a "popular" name according to her. So at the end her & my dad decided that the name for me would be Jessica.

List 15 fun goals you would like to accomplish by June , 2009.

1. Become a senior

2. hopefully all the bratz could go next years to military ball together

3. Have a job

4. I have the bear i wanted from build a bear workshop

5. Behave better

6. Go to six-flags

7. Have my own car

8. Go ice skating

9. Go to my Bf prom

10.Meet new people

11.Go to Millenium Park

12.Go bowling

13.Go to Wisconsin Dells

14. finish my 40 hours of community service

15.Be respoinsible and Pay attetion in class