Sunday, December 14, 2008

__The Letter From A Mad Women__

To my dear spirits,

I need you to help me I'm in a situation the cant take it anymore. I don't know to do. I'm terrified on everything that's going on right now in my life. I can't go to bed and rest with the things that have happened. They are here in my conscious and in Macbeth's too. I have been sleepwalking. Macbeth has done thing just for him the get the crown and all this had happend thanks to those wicthes why did they have to come to our lifr ? why? Now Macbeth has done this i did not expected him to do. I mean we know he has killed people but kill Duncan the person who will tell Macbeth to kill people no... But the bad part is that Ialso told him to do it. Its like I told him it was alright I never thought this would had happend. Now Duncan spirts are in this house and is trying to do things so Macbeth is going crazy. What should I do? Should I leave Macbeth and start a new life with out him? I mean I dont really feel the same for him no more. If I go nobody will blame me for anything that's going on. I really need your help spirits if not thing will get worst.

Help me !!!